Our Curriculum

Combe Down Primary School

At Combe Down, our aim is to provide high-quality, challenging and exciting learning opportunities. We design our curriculum to deliver the key objectives of the National Curriculum in a language-rich, subject-specific way that is ambitious and inclusive for all. We proudly share the vision of our Trust ‘to provide excellent and equitable opportunities so everyone can flourish’.

Through well-planned and resourced lessons in and outside the classroom, stimulating trips and visitors, whole-school curriculum events and an excellent range of extra-curricular activities, we aim to equip our pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to grow into well-rounded young people. We recognise that every child is an individual and seek to develop all our pupil’s interests, guiding them to challenge themselves in a supportive environment.

Our curriculum is steered by four key drivers which are key to planning and teaching across the Palladian Academy Trust. The drivers run throughout every subject, serving as guiding principles and are relevant to our pupil’s lives today and in the future:

  • Connection
  • Diversity
  • Sustainability
  • Spirituality (Church Schools)

To prepare pupils for life in modern Britain and the wider world, as part of the curriculum we actively promote and make links to the fundamental British values of: democracy; the rule of law; individual liberty; and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

Our Reception classes follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. For more information, please see the Foundation Curriculum page. Subjects across Key Stages 1 and 2 follow our Trust’s ambitious curriculum spine which supports a cohesive and progressive development of key concepts, knowledge and skills from the beginning of Year 1 to the end of Year 6. Please visit the subject areas in the links to the left for more information on any specific curriculum area. If you have any additional questions about the curriculum at Combe Down, please speak to a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

Curriculum Updates

Each year group posts weekly curriculum and homework details in our school newsletter which is sent out to parents and carers every Friday. Please do check this regularly to stay up-to-date with the learning taking place in your child/children's class(es). 


Page Downloads Date  
Curriculum Policy Oct 2021 review Oct 2023 V1 15 Feb 2022 Download

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