
We have an ‘Open Door’ policy whereby we hope that parents feel they can come and talk to staff if they have concerns; unless urgent or a quick message, it is better to catch teachers at the end rather than the beginning of the day to either talk with them or make an appointment.

Parents have the opportunity to attend Parents’ Evenings that are arranged in the Autumn and Spring Terms. We run information evenings from time to time, usually on learning or curriculum issues. A comprehensive Newsletter goes out every Friday. This is e-mailed using ParentMail and is also available on our website. Throughout each term, you will receive letters/ e-mails from class/year group teachers regarding plans for the term, specific events or visits.

The newsletter also contains a weekly summary from each year group detailing what they have been doing during the week, and any homework that has been set. Please check it each Friday.

All concerns or issues regarding your child should always go through their class teacher in the first instance; most things are resolved this way. It may be necessary to consult the Co-Head/Assistant Head teachers as appropriate.

If there is something you need to know … please ask!

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