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What is Forest School?
Forest School is about taking children to a local woodland or outdoor space to experience learning outside the classroom. Learning happens in a fun and unconscious way by exploring, being creative and playing. Children will learn about their local natural environment simply by being in it. They are encouraged to use their initiative to solve problems, co-operate with their friends and peers to achieve small tasks, and to manage risks in an informed and safe way. Here at Combe Down Primary School we are very fortunate to have a lovely wooded area right here on site!
What do children do at Forest School?
What are the benefits to the children’s learning and development?
- Physical health
- Social skills
- Confidence and self-esteem
- Motivation and concentration
- Improves behaviour
- Risk awareness and self-management
- Increased knowledge and understanding of the world with better connection with and respect for their environment
- Can enhance classroom learning
When does Forest School take place?
Each class will be timetabled for sessions during the school year.
Mr Parsonage, the Forest School leader, will inform the class teacher when sessions start and send letter to parents a week prior to starting.