
Art is a highly creative subject where pupils are encouraged to experiment with different techniques, patterns, colours and materials to express themselves and create their own individual pieces of work. At Combe Down, pupils use their sketch books and a range of mediums including sketching, painting, sculpture and other craft techniques to explore and develop their ideas and practise new skills.

The curriculum also provides opportunities for studying great artists and designers, both contemporary and from history, to support understanding of the development of different forms of art and art from different cultures.

We follow our Trust's Curriculum Spine (which is aligned with the National Curriculum) to ensure progression across the different areas of art and support pupils in developing a love of the subject.

In Key Stage 1, the areas of art covered include:

  • Using materials
  • Drawing
  • Using colour, pattern, texture, line, form, shape and space
  • Exploring a range of artists


In Key Stage 2, the areas of art covered include:

  • Using sketchbooks
  • Drawing, painting and sculpture
  • Study of great artists


Curriculum Lead for Art: Tracy Thompson


Page Downloads Date  
PRIMARY national curriculum Art and design 30 Aug 2024 Download
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