Curriculum Events

At Combe Down, we love to spark imagination and bring the curriculum to life by organising special curriculum events throughout the year across a range of curriculum subjects. These memorable whole-school events are an opportunity for our pupils to delve deeper into a range of different topics and be inspired by exciting activities, experiences and visitors.

Our Curriculum Events for 2023-24 have included:

  • Black History Month
  • Remembrance Day
  • World Book Week
  • British Science Week
  • Environment Week (linked to the UN World Environment Day)

As a Church of England school, we also take great pride in our links with our local church, Holy Trinity Combe Down, and the local community. We hold wonderful church services on key dates throughout the year where our pupils have an opportunity to come together to celebrate and to be involved in presenting and performing in front of an audience. This includes Harvest, Christmas and Easter celebrations.

We are also proud to have a musical tradition at Combe Down and enjoy celebrating this by inviting parents to our Summer Concert, where they can watch individuals and groups (and sometimes even the staff!) perform with a range of instruments including guitar, violin, flute, cello, piano, voice and drums. We have been thrilled to take part in the Young Voices children's choir for the past two years running and provide other opportunities for our pupils to perform to others throughout the year.

These events provide us with more occasions where we can live out our Trust Curriculum Drivers of Connection, Diversity, Sustainability and Spirituality.

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