Design & Technology

Design and Technology is an inspiring, creative and practical subject that support children to develop skills to solve real-life problems and uses knowledge and understanding from many other curriculum areas, including art, science and maths. Pupils take part in individual and group projects throughout their primary education, progressing in the skills developed and the types of materials they use.

Design and Technology at Combe Down is often taught in blocks, meaning that rather than being on the timetable every week, it may taught as a project for each afternoon in one week per term for example. This is down to timetabling in individual year groups. We may occasionally ask parents for support in gathering materials to use in projects at school, such as cardboard boxes, but will always endeavour to give as much notice as possible.

Our Trust's Curriculum Spine and the National Curriculum divide Design and Technology into five key areas which are taught in every year group from Year 1 - Year 6.

  • Designing
  • Making
  • Evaluating
  • Technical Knowledge
  • Cooking and Nutrition


Curriculum Lead for Design & Technology: Tracy Thompson



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PRIMARY national curriculum Design and technology 30 Aug 2024 Download
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