
Through our broad, balanced and inspiring curriculum, we strive to develop a child's ability to calculate, solve problems and reason in an engaging and interactive environment.

All children take part in exciting lessons in mixed-attainment classes, enabling them to develop their understanding of mathematics, noticing patterns and relationships in both number and shape. Pupils have the opportunity to build strong foundations and develop key skills, which are developed further in other areas of the curriculum, such as Science and Computing. We believe that Growth Mindset is pivotal in developing children's confidence and sense of achievement and strive to promote a learning culture where children have the resilience to learn from their mistakes and understand how they can improve their work in order to progress.

EYFS to Year 5 use the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) guidance as the basis for their Maths planning.

This page from the NCETM website clearly lays out how teaching and learning progresses throughout the primary age range in the different areas of maths.

Curriculum Leads for Maths: Wendy Gander and Tania Ferreira


  • Reception – 2 hours equivalent per week
  • Key Stage 1: 3.5 hours per week – delivered daily
  • Key Stage 2: 5 hours per week

Curriculum Maps

The key areas of study for each year group are set out in the following documents from the NCETM (please note that Year 6 are continuing to follow White Rose Maths for 2024-25):

Year 1Year 2
Year 3Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Please note that teachers may adjust the order in which they teach objectives to fit the needs of the class.

Calculation Policy

It is vital that children have a solid understanding of each of the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. A good grasp of mental maths supported by informal jottings is vital before formal written strategies such as column addition are introduced. Our Calculation Policy demonstrates in sequence the methods we introduce to pupils. Children in a class may be working at different stages within the sequence shown. Download the Calculation Policy here

Key Vocabulary

Key vocabulary is a crucial part of maths teaching in primary school. There are many words associated with each operation that need to be taught and revisited. 

Click here to download the key vocabulary we use in each year group (being updated)


From Year 1 upwards, all pupils are expected to engage in using the online maths curriculum tools which we subscribe to as a school. Use of these tools forms part of the expected home learning and engagement is checked regularly by teachers. Pupils may also be set additional written maths tasks, where appropriate.   

Key Stage 1 children are given a password to access a resource called Doodle Maths. Doodle Maths encourages children to complete activities in all areas of maths at home on a regular basis to reinforce their learning in school. It provides children with instant feedback to develop fluency and also gives parents the information they may need to support their child as they do their homework.

Key Stage 2 children are given a password to access a resource called Times Tables Rock Stars which is an online maths programme focused on boosting recall and fluency of multiplication and division.

Supporting Your Child at Home

Other than homework there are many maths activities you can do with your child at home. Children acquire basic maths skills through repetition so the more often we can practice those skills through a variety of fun activities the more likely they are to master the skills and develop a love of maths. It is also particularly important to expose children to the different ways that maths is used in every day life. Below are some suggestions for how maths can be incorporated into activities outside school:

  • Measuring and weighing: cooking together or measuring and ordering toys by size.
  • Money: involving children in working out totals as you go round the shop and how much change you would get from a certain amount.
  • Time: using clocks around the home and encouraging children to tell the time and work out how much time is left before they have to do X or how long they have been doing something for. Also interpreting bus or train timetables.
  • Geometry: sorting objects by shape or number of sides, creating patterns using different shapes for art.

There are many other ideas available online, for example on the Oxford Owl website.


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Calculation Policy 2022 06 Apr 2022 Download
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