
At Combe Down, we are all musicians! Music is an integral part of life at Combe Down Primary School, and every year the children have numerous opportunities to musically express themselves. They are taught through the different strands of music: singing, performing, listening and composing. Our music curriculum progressively builds up skills, breadth and depth, throughout the school.  We use a mixture of resources and programmes of work to achieve this, including Charanga, Young Voices and WEMA (our music hub) sessions.

Children learn to play various musical instruments, as well as learning to sing. We have a strong emphasis on singing throughout the school, with every year group having a singing focus at some point throughout the year. As part of our Celebration Assemblies each week, both Key Stage 1 and 2 develop their singing skills by learning songs to sing and perform together, often in preparation for schools events such as our church services. During our Celebration Assemblies, children also develop their understanding of the history of music, focusing on a different musical era each term. We use a timeline to work chronologically from the Renaissance through to the 20th and 21st century music, considering what was happening in the world at this time. Each week, we listen to and appraise a range of different composers from the focus era for that term. You can discover who our musician of the week is via our weekly newsletter.

Our focus eras for each term are:

  • Term 1: Renaissance
  • Term 2: Baroque
  • Term 3: Classical
  • Term 4: Romantic
  • Term 5: 20th and 21st Century Contemporary Classical Music
  • Term 6: 20th and 21st Century Evolution of Pop

EYFS curriculum

Throughout the year, the children learn to sing and chant a variety of songs. These are embedded into daily routines. The children also learn a Nursery Rhyme of the Week, as well as musical instruments being available on rotation, as part of continuous provision. 

KS1 curriculum

Year 1 Singing in a round and singing in unison Singing: Christmas performance Story-based composition Understanding beat
Year 2 Notation and composition Singing: Nativitiy performance Glockenspiels Samba



Year 3 Glockenspiels Recorders Singing: Raise the Roof (TBC)
Year 4 Singing: Young Voices Recorders (TBC) Ukeleles
Year 5 Ukeleles Glockenspiels Singing: Voices for Life (TBC)
Year 6 BandLab composition Percussion (TBC) Singing: Summer production


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