
Science is vital for understanding the world we live in and for developing vital skills for improving our world too. At Combe Down, we seek to ignite children's imaginations through science, encouraging them to ask questions and think scientifically, experimenting and researching to solve problems and find answers.

Aside from preparing exciting hands-on lessons, we also encourage children to develop a love of science by inviting expert visitors into school for workshops and taking part in special events, such as British Science Week, culminating in our own Combe Down Science Fair, which was extremely well-supported from EYFS - Year 6. In addition, our annual Environment Week has a strong science-focus and in 2024 included visits from experts on renewable energy, freshwater ecology and an environmental impact assessor.

Each year group covers the areas of study set out by the National Curriculum (see link below), including a range of chemistry and biology-focused topics in KS1, with the addition of physics in Key Stage 2. See below for an overview of the areas of study covered in each year group - further detail is sent home in the form of a knowledge organiser at the start of each unit.

KEY: B = Biology, C = Chemistry, P = Physics


Key Stage 1 Science Curriculum Overview:

Year 1 Animals including humans (B) Plants (B) Seasonal Change (B) Everyday Materials (C)
Year 2 All living things and their habitats (B) Animals including humans (B) Plants (B) Everyday Materials (C)


Key Stage 2 Science Curriculum Overview:

Year 3 Animals, including humans (B) Plants (B) Rocks (C) Forces (P) Light (P)
Year 4 Animals, including humans (B) All living things and their habitats (B) States of Matter (C) Electricity (P) Sound (P)
Year 5 Animals, including humans (B) All living things and their habitats (B) Properties and changes in materials (C) Forces (P) Earth and Space (P)
Year 6 Animals, including humans (B) All living things and their habitats (B) Evolution and Inheritance (B) Electricity (P) Light (P)

Curriculum Lead for Science: Charlotte Young

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