At Combe Down, we believe that a good physical education at primary school helps to develop a love of sport and an interest in fitness, setting children up for a lifetime of better physical and mental health. We provide opportunities for pupils to experience a range of different sports and physical activities from tennis to basketball, athletics to gymnastics, opening the door for them to discover which sports they enjoy and hopefully fostering a life-long love of sport and fitness.

We use the Get Set 4 PE scheme to support the teaching of PE at Combe Down and regularly provide opportunities for children to compete in individual and team sports competitively and for fun. We have excellent links with other schools both within our Trust and in the wider BANES school area to arrange friendly and competitive fixtures, providing opportunities for all children to challenge themselves and join in with sports. Our annual Sports Days are held in the summer term for EYFS and Year 1, Years 2-4 and Years 5-6 on three separate occasions, with the Year 6 children supporting the other events in a leadership role. We regularly celebrate sporting achievements in our Friday 'Celebration Assemblies' for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 and aim to encourage all children to give something sporty a try!

PE is taught twice per week in every year group, meaning that each year group covers four units per long term. In Year 4, pupils have a swimming lesson with a qualified swimming instructor as one of their PE lessons once per week throughout the year.

Please see below for an overview of the sports being covered in each year group in 2024-25 (please note this may be subject to change):

Year group Autumn Spring Summer
EYFS Introduction to PE (units 1 & 2) / Dance (units 1 & 2) Gymnastics (units 1 & 2) / Fundamental skills (units 1 & 2) Ball skills (units 1 & 2) / Sports Day prep / Team Games
1 Fundamental skills / Team building / Dance / Sending and receiving Ball skills / Striking & Fielding / Net & Wall games / Gymnastics Invasion games / Yoga / Sports Day practise / Target games
2 Fitness / Ball skills / Dance / Fundamentals Team building / Sending & Receiving / Invasion Games / Gymnastics Net & Wall Games / Target Games / Sports Day practise / Striking & Fielding games
3 Fitness / Hockey / Netball / Football Fundamental Skills / Handball / Gymnastics (units 1 & 2) Tennis / Sports Day practise / Cricket / OAA
4 Swimming / Fitness / Tag Rugby Swimming / Hockey / Tennis Swimming / Sports Day practise / OAA
5 Netball / Fitness / Basketball / Handball Gymnastics / Football / Badminton / Hockey Sports Day practise / Cricket / OAA / Tennis
6 Fitness / Netball / Football / Hockey Gymnastics / Tag Rugby / Cricket / Badminton Dance (units 1 & 2) / Sports Day practise / Rounders

*OAA = Outdoor Adventurous Activities

In addition, we offer a wide range of both paid for (led by qualified sports coaches from outside the school) and free (led by Combe Down staff with a background in particular sports) as part of our excellent extra-curricular offer. Please visit our 'Extra-Curricular - Clubs' page from an updated list and to apply for a club.

Curriculum Lead for PE: Chris Bibby

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