Girls on Track event

19 May 2023

On Wednesday 17th May, a group of girls from Years 3, 5 and 6 attended the Girls On Track event held at Monkton Senior School. Organised by British Motorsport, the one -day workshop was designed to engage and inform girls about motorsport (currently a male-dominated industry) and to explore some of the potential careers associated with it. 100 girls from schools in the local area were invited to take part. They participated in a wide-range of activities including: building and coding LEGO cars, testing their reaction speeds, practising CPR and changing a tyre in a simulated pit stop. One of the girls’ favourite activities was scripting and performing their own pieces-to-camera ‘live’ from the racetrack and pretending to interview F1 academy drivers.

The girls who attended from Combe Down were extremely enthusiastic about the day, stating:

“It was amazing!”

“The best experience I’ve ever had  - and the people were really nice.”

“I would definitely do it again!”

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