This Week's News!

4 November 2022

Welcome back to the new term. I hope you all had a good half-term break.

This term we will be focusing on the value of compassion. The children have already been exploring this in collective worship and class sessions. Having looked through their class journals, it is clear they have a good understanding already about this value. I hope you find time to share the leaflet at home. If you do any of the activities together, please share them with your class teachers for their class journals. 

The weather has really turned, and Autmn has swept in with its strong winds and rain. Please make sure your children have a waterproof coat as they will need it for break times. 

Sadly, we received an email from local residents again this week, concerning the inconsiderate parking on Beechwood. Please can we remind everyone that parking should be along one side of the road and should not block people’s driveways. Emergency services and recycling lorries etc still need to be able to get through. Compassion is an important value for us all. Thank you. 

Thank you to everyone who completed the Trust parental questionnaire. We are looking forward to the results. 

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